Top 10 best practices in Angular

Gheorghe Madalina Eleonora
3 min readJul 11, 2023

Angular is a powerful and widely used JavaScript framework for building web applications. With its robust features and comprehensive toolset, Angular provides developers with a solid foundation to create scalable and maintainable applications. To ensure the best results when working with Angular, it’s important to follow certain best practices that optimize code quality, performance, and maintainability.

In this article, we will explore some of the key best practices for using Angular.

  1. Code Organization: Organizing your codebase is crucial for maintaining a clean and scalable Angular application. The recommended approach is to follow the modular structure provided by Angular. Create separate modules for different features or components of your application. This promotes reusability and separation of concerns. Additionally, organizing files based on their types (components, services, models, etc.) within each module helps in easy navigation and maintenance.
  2. Consistent Naming Conventions: Adhering to consistent naming conventions enhances code readability and maintainability. Angular suggests using Angular-specific conventions like using kebab-case for component selectors and snake_case for file names. Consistency in naming conventions reduces confusion and makes it easier for developers to understand and locate different elements of the application.
  3. Use TypeScript: Angular is built using TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript. Leveraging TypeScript’s static typing capabilities provides several benefits, such as improved code quality, enhanced tooling support, and early detection of errors. Embrace TypeScript’s features like interfaces, type annotations, and generics to write clean and reliable code.
  4. Angular CLI: Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a powerful tool that simplifies various development tasks, such as project scaffolding, generating components, services, and modules, running tests, and building the application. Familiarize yourself with Angular CLI and leverage its capabilities to increase productivity and ensure adherence to Angular best practices.
  5. Component-based Architecture: Angular follows a component-based architecture, where components are the building blocks of the application. Embrace the component-centric approach and aim for smaller, reusable components. Each component should have a clear responsibility and focus on a specific feature or functionality. This improves code maintainability and allows for easier testing and reusability.
  6. Reactive Programming: Angular leverages reactive programming concepts through the RxJS library. Use reactive patterns like Observables and Subjects to handle asynchronous operations, data streams, and event handling. Reactive programming simplifies managing and transforming data, leading to more efficient and responsive applications.
  7. Dependency Injection: Angular’s dependency injection (DI) mechanism plays a vital role in decoupling components and promoting code reusability. Utilize DI to inject dependencies into components, services, and other classes. This helps in managing dependencies, facilitating testing, and enables easy swapping of implementations.
  8. Angular Forms: Angular provides powerful form handling capabilities through its built-in form modules. Utilize Angular’s form features, such as template-driven forms and reactive forms, to manage and validate user input. Leverage form controls, form groups, and form validation to ensure data integrity and enhance the user experience.
  9. Performance Optimization: Angular offers various optimization techniques to improve the performance of your application. Employ strategies like lazy loading modules to reduce initial load time, leverage change detection optimization using the OnPush strategy, and utilize Angular’s built-in performance tools like Angular DevTools and Augury for profiling and debugging.
  10. Testing: Writing comprehensive tests is crucial for maintaining the stability and reliability of your Angular application. Use testing frameworks like Jasmine and tools like Karma and Protractor to write unit tests and end-to-end tests. Aim for high test coverage to ensure that your application behaves as expected and catches potential bugs early on.

By following these best practices, you can ensure a more efficient, maintainable, and scalable development process when working with Angular. Remember to stay updated with the latest Angular documentation and community resources to leverage the framework’s full potential. Happy coding!



Gheorghe Madalina Eleonora

✨ Passionate photographer and FE Developer @Cognizant, former FE Developer at @Deloitte Digital and @IBM.